fell behind in his studies|fall behind in his studies in English

failed in school, dropped behind in one's grades

Use "fell behind in his studies|fall behind in his studies" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fell behind in his studies|fall behind in his studies" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fell behind in his studies|fall behind in his studies", or refer to the context using the word "fell behind in his studies|fall behind in his studies" in the English Dictionary.

1. He didn't want to fall behind in his studies.

2. Being addicted to computer games makes him fall behind in his class.

3. A Biology major studies the science behind living organisms

4. His parents encourage him in his studies.

5. While exchange students can learn many useful things, it is also possible that some of them may fall behind in their studies.

6. In debt Synonyms: behind, in arrears Examples - a company that has been run Behindhand for years - a month behind in the rent - he fell behind with his mortgage payments - in arrears with their utility bills

7. This stoked his interest in oriental studies.

8. The horse fell behind in the race.

9. Khashoggi left his studies in order to seek his fortune in business.

10. Complete absorption in sports interfered with his studies.

11. But in Paris he dropped his medical studies.

12. 12 Because of his long illness,Tom is backward in his studies.

13. In 1943 he was still doggedly pursuing his studies.

14. His hands were manacled behind his back.

15. In Arrears - in debt; "he fell behind with his mortgage payments"; "a month behind in the rent"; "a company that has been run behindhand for years";

16. They fell behind the times.

17. Williams just sat in his seat behind him, glaring.

18. He came in, dragging his three children behind him.

19. His apprenticeship was behind him.

20. These facilities aided his scientific studies.

21. Again, Daimler became restless in his studies as his main interest still lay in engineering.

22. His gloved hands were handcuffed behind his back.

23. His seat belt was buckled behind his back.

24. There, he completed his medical studies.

25. I don't want to fall behind in my bills.